Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day at the Beach

Daddy, Mommy and I went to the beach right down from our house the other day. It was so fun! I love playing in the water. I love to splash and squeal.

I had the whole beach laughing with me as I played in the water. At first they were appalled at the fact that I was in the lake at only 9 months, but I showed them age is no issue in family fun. This girl just wants to have fun in her teenie-weenie-yellow-polk-a dot--bikin-one-piecey (Somebody gave me a string bikini, but daddy won't let me wear it in public :0)).

Peek-A-Boo, I see you.

Here I am giving mommy some love. I am a sweetie.

And yes, the church behind us is for real. Isn't it pretty?! You should really come and see us here. I'll let you push me around town in my stroller and I will show you all of those beautiful sights.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm willing to make all these pictures into wallpaper and spend the day enjoying the smiles!! Gandma D