Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Update on Me

Well here I am, 11 months now. Wow! I am going to be a year old very soon. Break out the black balloons and "Over the Hill" candles. I am doing all sorts of fun stuff now. I never told you, but I have been crawling for several months now, and I have gotten this house all figured out. Mommy has learned that if she really wants me to eat my veggies, she can just put them on the floor, because I eat everything off the floor. (She doesn't do that though... something about being raised in a barn.) I am also pulling up on everything and starting to try standing all by myself, and I can get from one end of the couch to the other in a nano-second on my feet. Watch out Olympic... running... people.

I am eating pretty much everything. Well, except for the stuff they say can kill me. I am still saying dada all the time along with a ton of other new words. I can wave bye-bye and I even say it sometimes, especially after people leave the room. I love my books and want to read every time mommy sits down with me--well for the first 20 seconds, and then I always spot something else that I need to explore. Life is grand here in Macedonia, and I am growing like a weed. Thanks for keeping up with me and caring about my life. Love, Kate Joy Davis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kate, your mommy should write for the sit-coms. She is very funny and we can't stop laughing. I'll have a bunch of things for you when you come in November. Grandma D.