Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Remote and an Elephant

Here I am with my most favorite toy that mom very rarely lets me play with. The remote control. Mom tried to give me a remote that doesn't work anymore but I just wouldn't have it. I'm not s-t-u-p-i-d (I'm not allowed to say that word(0;). I want the real thing. The one that can turn the tv from more news of continual crashing of the stock market to Scooby Doo. Mommy has since hidden the remote from me, and I am on the lookout. "Remote, where are you?"

This is my giant elephant, Ella. She's as big as I am. I hear real life elephants are even bigger than this. Whoa! I think I'll wait awhile before trying to find one of those.


Cayce said...


Your friend, Evan, has found all of the hiding places at our house. Maybe he can tell you where your parents are likely to hide things like that. But, don't listen to everything he says because he likes to take the batteries out and then he gets in trouble. You're too cute to get into too much trouble.

Love you,


November 19, 2011 said...

Happy Birthday baby kate!! I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!!!

Love You!